i can imagine steve ratter in, if you had him on, would come on and say, look, there are benefits to this sort of comparative advantage of allowing other countries to produce things cheaper. if they can produce it cheaper. we're able to then buy the products cheaper. we have then more money to spend. there are arguments to defend what is not really a good word in this election, the creative destruction of capitalism. what romney is saying in the clips you just played was my job as president will be different from my job as the private sector businessman. my job will be to create jobs. i'm going to use the experience from my private sector days. but my job as president is not going to be what my job as bain was, which was to increase returns for my shareholders. >> joan walsh, quickly, it seems the obama campaign all too happy to make this a referendum on bain. >> yes. you've got david axelrod already calling mitt romney the outsourcer in chief. i think that they think that this is a really productive avenue for them and that "the post" story and the specific revelations about china g