steve reich and i must say in closing to me there were two points in that language that were crucial-- you know because you have become some sort of an expert whatever the issue of puerto rico comes up there are 5 million analysts on the island to analyze what was that the federal government said. it's going on right now and i assure you once the news gets out that i asked you this question there will be another 6 million analysts around the states and the commonwealth analyzing what he said what i asked and what i i said that they are two key words in the resolve and i hope that continues because resolve is exactly that, resolve. it can't be in my opinion more of the same and lastly within constitutional requirements in my opinion without getting too deep into the subject there was one possible presentation of an option that wouldn't meet constitutional constitutional requirements and the others do so i'm looking forward to what they come up with and what your responses and i must say you deal with a lot of issues but when there's territory sitting around for 116 years this may not