steve ricchiuto: there is online sales versus brick-and-mortar going on. -- the disappointment in retail sales here in the control room is one of the things till new fourth-quarter growth will be decidedly lower than third quarter growth tended to be, that it will be up to look into the average of the year. alix: is it about the consumer overall slowing, or the consumer having to buy time until you have wages and income having to pick up? sure ricchiuto: i am not people are going to spend the money people think they are going to get. if you remember the bush tax cut, for example, the tax cut, most of that money was saved. there is a need for people to build up savings balances. there is a conservative drive that has developed in terms of a reduction in housing demand and things like that keeping spending down. there are controls on credit that are dominating the story. david: the other thing that the numbers suggest is how much .utos are holding down numbers the auto industry, after having a record year last year, continues to hold up the retail sales numb