next item, please general manager >> the next update is steve ritchie drought update. >> steve ritchie assistant john manager for water. if i could have the slides please. bring up the presentation, which a lot of these things will look familiar, but particularly here on the storage cells. these are storage levels in our reservoirs. you can see the hetch hetchy got 95.1%. basically topped out now unless there is a significant storm and sometime the levels in the reservoir within a start dropping over time and there. one bank has gotten to, in effect, its low point of about 57,000 only 10% capacity water tank will actually start to, as we see water down from charity and generate ido potter with incidental -- so we got a good so we got a good eye .95% and one bank, once again, has done its job. i'll talk later about what the outlook is for next year on that. on the precipitation sent funds, again it got to the flat part of the rbi may be that the precipitation charts now because they're not going to change until sometime in the fall or winter. but again, we got into not a bad place relat