thank you, barry, and it's for steve ritchie. you talked a little -- i don't know if you have an answer right now, but you but up there the 50 m.d.g., 10-30 years, and i understand what that's based on. you also talked about 100 m.g.d. as a number if there was an unimpaired flow mandate. >> mm-hmm. yes. >> and it seems like there's an exercise or some work that could be done, should be done, to say, you know, that is 00 m.g.d., how much of that could be met through additional conservation, kind of taking and doing the next piece of work, and then confirming that that 100 m.g.d. is indeed the number that we're talking about, and if that would allow us to not only provide for our contracts -- and i understand we'd have to do that in partnership with bsca, and others, but drought scenario planning and climate projections, and whatnot. >> yeah, no, i think absolutely. if these requirements are in effect, we have to plan for that 100 m.g.d. you know, is it -- should we start planning for 100 m.g.d. right now? i think that's where we h