steve ruehl with turner construction providing construction oversight. it's been three months since we last spoke. a lot has changed. see if we can get to the first slide. there we go. good news is, there were no recordable incidents, no near-miss, no sitting even first aid events in the last couple months. that is great, considering the number of craft hours. we are up over 430,000 total craft hours after demolition since the transbay center work has begun. that equates between 220 and 230 workers on site every day, five days a week. some of those are extra shifts around the clock but that is what we are averaging right now. it's a lot of people out there. they are doing a great job keeping things under control. the bse contractor, the excavation contractor doing the buttress work completed 128 buttresses through the end of august. that is, what, about 36 more than from the last time we presented. in fact, three more were completed last week, so that is actually -- one more this week, four more on top of that. they are moving along well. it was a year a