at least 78 bodies, including david koresh. >> it appears as though his second in the command, steve schneider david koresh in the head with a pistol and then schneider turned the pistol on himself. >> the children themselves were mostly executed. they were either beat to death, stabbed to death, or shot. david koresh was never going to walk out of that place on our terms. it was doomed from day one that that place, which went by the name of ranch apocalypse, was destined to end up in flames. >> in the aftermath of the tragedy, not another waco became a rallying cry for the atf. the agency improved intelligence gathering and reporting methods and changed policy regarding who makes on-the-ground incident decisions. the fbi made changes as well forming the crisis response group to make complete cooperation between negotiators and their tactical teams. >> i made the decision. i'm accountable. the buck stops with me and nobody ever accused me of running from a decision that i made based on the best information that i had. >> waco was an early test for attorney general janet reno, though she came u