you know, yesterday, your company's ceo, steve schwartzman, at a conference said that he finds the concernsver breit "baffling." i'm curious, do you share that bafflement, and if so, what is it that people who are concerned about don't fully understand >> well, david, thanks for having me. and definitely, i share steve's bafflement here. what's happened has been very surprising, given our performance. and i think it's really been a disconnect between performance and fund flows, and what i think would be helpful to make -- to help people understand sort of this disconnected reality is to go back in time a bit. we set up breit six years ago with the goal of delivering great performance to individual investors and private real estate led by our world-class franchise. and that is exactly what's happened we've delivered 13% net to our customers over that period, three times the public reit index. we've done it because we've had the right portfolio positioning, 70% in the sun belt states, which are growing really rapidly, 80% in logistics and rental housing, the fastest-growing sectors in real es