i just interviewed still steve silverstein who is from san francisco and a lamp broke the it has happened in american history when he came in first with gore and bush came in second but the electoral college put bush ahead. who knows about that. they now have 165 have 165 electoral votes. they have laws passed from maryland new york, illinois, illinois, california, if they go to 270 that's the end. what do these laws say? in maryland or california they will throw the electoral votes completely to the winner of the national. so they redefine the electoral college. so we had him on. you're right, i should herald some of the letter and summarize them. >> put put the letter out that you send the white house and along with it do some sort of grass roots activism so people can actually write similar letters, focus on the issue, call the white house, whatever. a lot of times from what i hear from people in congress and even the white house, they do respond to the number of calls or letters. when you have the same voices being heard over and over there is a little bit of a tick for them. >> they