steve spangler is here. i have no idea what we're up to. >> i think you should have worn something a little different. you get done with the beverage container. >> we should have gone over this skit. we crush the can and put it in the recyclables. and that could ruin your beautiful hands. so i have developed a new way to crush the can which is actually a lie. this is just a way to teach an air pressure lesson. this is one of my favorites. we have a lot of steaming going on. each of those. now i'm cooking them on the hot plate. this guy is cooking over here. first. there you go. here's what's going to happen. pressure. every square inch of your body has about 15 pounds. milk. here in colorado it's a little less because we're a mile high. i am going to put a little bit of water up there. i'm boiling the water to push the air out. so right now there's water vapor. so the molecules are far apart. i'm going to hold you one of those cans. you're going to put it in your hand and you're going to turn it upside down