this is an illustration from a book by steve vogel. it's called, life's devices: the physical world of plants and animals. and so, sure enough, elephants have thicker legs in proportion to their size than, say, daddy longlegs or any other kind of insect. 'cause as these things get bigger and bigger, the strength doesn't keep up with the weight, so you got to compensate and make extra thick legs. we are really designed for the environment which we live, gang. that's the message. you know, you see the king kong movies? king kong all scaled up like that? no way. king kong scaled up in proportion-- wouldn't be able to stand up. he'd be crushed by his own weight. even whales have a hard time. whales are just too darn big. and so whales--do you know what happens to a whale when he gets beached? [makes sound] pretty well crushed by its own weight. so it has to stay in the water that's--overtime. large creatures not so well designed for the world we live in. i can take a toothpick, and i can hold a toothpick between my fingers. you can't see t