finally, i really want to commend paul lord, steve wirtheim and shelly whose last name i will tangle up terribly, for the incredible collaborative outreach with the community. it's outstanding and they really are to be recognized for that. thank you. >> thank you. >>> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is alice kamahatsu and i've been a long-time resident of japantown. and my husband is a minister for [speaker not understood] church of san francisco which is on laguna street. my family is [speaker not understood] terrace which is a complex. it has a tower for seniors and then town houses that surround that complex. so, i've been there a long time. when we first started to go to the meetings, my kids were in grammar school. now they're in college and my oldest daughter has graduated from college. so, it has been a long journey for all of us, but i'm glad that we are back here. i fully endorse the documents that have been set before you. and i know that september is just around the corner. so, please take a look at it closely. i also, since working at the church, i also do a culina