podesta, former vice president cheney's one time spokeswoman anne womack-kolton, republican flacks like john feehery and democratic flacks like steve mcmahon and mcmahon's business partner, the republican media guru alex castellanos, who's a contributor to cnn. >> yes. mcmahon is on msnbc, so it's very bipartisan that way too. >> and mcmahon, the democrat and castellanos the republican are partners in a firm called purple strategies. bp hires them to spearhead this $50 million television campaign you talk about. >> to those affected and your families, i am deeply sorry. >> they were brought, you say, into the fold by the democratic operative, hilary rosen, who was working for a london-based firm that was also working for bp. and she was also a pundit for cnn. i mean, what a web. >> and again, i think the other piece of this is that a year later geoff morrell, who is the head spokesman for the pentagon under, you know, president obama's pentagon, has become the chief washington spokesman for bp. >> former white house correspondent for abc news. >> abc news. he followed bob gates to the pentagon first with president bush then with pr