jack, bruce, patti, -- conti, angelina, rose, jason fraser, henry webb, and steve wu. >> thank you, supervisors. my name is keith kemp. i lived in san francisco. free my people, free my people, free my people. those who would abuse the brothers and sisters. they will never be allowed to feel brave and secure until people step up. what can affordable housing do for you and i, you asked, when you are being lobbied to say no to the sacred trust? this city is named after the best st. i know, st. francis. the laughter of children will be hurt more often. what happens to a world-class city when they do not build for these? in washington, d.c., and in sacramento, california, they have told the city and county of san francisco that you are on your own when it comes to people living in safe and affordable housing. we show the world what justice for all looks like. in san francisco. when you vote yes for this, i hope you will no longer see me sleeping in your doorway, because i will be in my home, returning to the work force with my retraining and a work ethic that never dry -- dies. if you say no to my