allen, thank you so much, this is brilliant. now, let's pass over to my colleague steven jiang in beijing. stephen? >>> thanks pamela, we are at the richer school of beijing. and they have a very diverse student population here at these 10:11 year old students behind me coming from some 15 countries. but, for most of them there is one thing in common, though, they are city kids. but, already, the, they are learning that even sprawling metropolises like beijing are more than just bustling city streets. it also has farms, rivers, and with a lot of bio diversity. so, what are you trying to show? >> this is the map of beijing. and we think that we can at some wildlife corridors from the mountains to the middle of beijing. >> reporter: for all of them it's not much of a debate in terms of climate change because in them already experienced the negative impacts firsthand. a think they're trying to show it here. what is this? >> this is something that we've been making in humanities. and this is a 3d model of settlement in a coastal region. >> as you can see, it is very prone to