exhibit featuring the history and importance of the site and in conclusion before i hand it over to steven brannan wharf is intended to be a fun and sustainable project and has unscripted activity and an open environment and playful and subtle ways and i hope you will see it next week and i won't go into detail now and the construction and the way materials were sources. steven will now describe the project a bit further. >> good afternoon commissioners, executive director, port staff and members of the public. i am steven real and the project manager and i am privileged to work on this exciting project. this is a $26 million project. includes $7 million for demolition of the condemned pier 36 which is a massive reinforced concrete pier structure. demolition of 900 linear feet of bulk wharf and $19 million project to construct the new 57,000 square feet state of the art public open space wharf replacing 9,000 square feet of embarcadero promenade strengthening 200 linear feet of sea wall and modifying another 700 feet. funding for the project. $18.5 million in port funds. $4.7 million in federal fu