. >> reporter: by the time steven cornell's family took over in the '50s, the store had become an institutionntegral part of the neighborhood as much for who it served as well as who it hired. >> i owned the store since 1974, i had employees here longer than i have been. >> reporter: the perception is the big box stores can sell merchandise cheaper, cornell knows he needs to give customers something the big guys can't. that's where his employees come in. >> when customers come in here, see familiar faces, they want to go over and talk to lisa, who knows a lot about this. they know lisa knows it. or they want to talk to harry who knows themselves and is familiar with them. it's nice to talk to somebody you have familiarity with and they feel comfortable with them. >> reporter: cornell believes to keep customers, he needs to keep those relationships that means he needs low turnover. offering benefits is one way he has been able to instill loyalty. he's one of the shrinking number of small business owner providing health care to his 12 full time employees. it's something his father started back