economic development cvs have been valuable and stacey and paul wormer who spoke and wendy and steven cornell and ricky white and incredible small business owners but others from the merchant association and john and pat and andy who is in the audience today and camille and he is from the urban groceries and kyle and chris and nancy and peter coning from the kouvenl housing and raul and larry and deanna and i apologize if i've left anyone out i wanted to say also that i agree with the conclusions of the strategic economic consulate in their comprehensive study and we'll have a clearing to go through this and our study of the chain controls are working in a way to that in 2004 and our voters passed prop g and we need only some thought full twinkling to clarify a.m. gut and to strengthen our formula retail ordinances as well to reflect the neighborhood changes in the changing neighborhood context as well a key context from the many small business owners was to give a stronger voice in the process i've been committed to giving our residents a strong voices in the corridors and to leveling the mr