steven danziger is her human rights act to best, but also i am a lawyer, an attorney, and he represented some 30000 indigenous people in from the north and right forests of ecuador, and a law suit against cher from corporation who had bought the debt, owed by texaco, who drill for oil from 1961 until 1991 or 92. when the cocaine started in ecuador, and state, and don socker and others, won a case in ecuador against chevron and were awarded non point $5000000000.00 in damages which chevron then refused to pay. and they, then i started to attack don suca, deciding that attacking don psycho was, was their best tactic to escape from the penalty of because the case in ecuador, by the way, was then it was then heard by a number of appellate courts. in ecuador, all of whom established that it was a fair trial. and that shame from should pay this money. chevron. i suggested that don suca was a gangster, and they, he had bribed to judge in ecuador. he had written the judgment in ecuador, barbara bar, barbara, and they bought this cage to the southern district of new york in front of a judge in ne