joining us to talk about this, steven harper law professor and author of the lawyer bubble, a professioncrisis. let me just ask you, you know, during the financial crisis we saw wall street firms and big banks scales back, corporate america cutting back and making changes and seems like the legal profession is unscathed until now. is this a short-term problem for one law firm or is -- do you see fund mental changes coming to the profession? >> i think the answer is both. there are unique things about the firm. over the last few years it benefitted grateful from enormously lucrative bankruptcy matters including laymen brothers for example that allowed it to thrive in various areas of the business, and as those large bankruptcy matters have wound down, they are finding themself -- i don't suspect, it seems clear they are finding themselves with not enough work for them who have to work to do. there is something broader happening in the profession, and that has to do with the evolution of the profession from what, at least, it historically has been a profession as distinct from what it is b