the chief of the army reserve, general stults, the chief of the navy reserve,ed a dirl debbinnk, steven hummer, and the chief of the air force reserve, general charles stener. and i would like to think all for joining us today as the committee reviews fy '13 budget for the components. this year's budget proposal significant force structure changes for the air national guard, reducing end strength by 5100 bill lets and aircraft inventory of 134 aircraft. this proposal has come under intense scrutiny from the members of congress, the council of governors, and many eyes and generals. and i'd like to hear from you on how involved you were in the deliberative products that preceded the announcement and what input you were asked to give. in addition, over the last several years, the guard and reserve have made important changes as they transitioned from a strategic to an operational reserve. this shift requires you to have deployment-ready units available at all times. as we draw down our military forces in afghanistan, the defendant will need to figure out how to best utilize this view operational