we were able to run down an owner-- steven jintao.ivate club but he also owns three massage parlors in the area. we can definitely connect him to the container? yeah, using the reporter's notes. yeah, jintao built this little empire smuggling in chinese girls. got their families to pay for the freight. most of the time, they had no idea what was happening to them on the other end. guy saw an opportunity to exploit the girls on both sides of the smuggling. he brings them over, and then he puts them to work in the massage parlors and the clubs. right. they promise them the moon, they pimp them out. pretty twisted version of the american dream. and where is he? david: lapd says he has an office at his club. go get him. let's go. ( dance music playing ) ♪ they're gonna get ya, they're gonna get ya ♪ ♪ they're gonna get ya, they're gonna get ya ♪ ( singing in foreign language ) ♪ they're gonna get ya ♪ ♪ they're gonna get ya, they're gonna get ya ♪ ♪ they're gonna get ya ♪ ( singing in foreign language ) ♪ you got to be strong enough ♪ you