we're talking steven king here. >> yeah, steven king. >> i could pull his entire collection like thissome people are excited about it, some people think it's sad. steven king does know a thing or two about death and dying. more than 40 books to his name. one of the best-selling authors of all time. did you know he's also considered to be the father of some, one of the fathers of ebooks. one of the first to publish online. is it good for the industry? king says the answer is yes and yes. "the shining," "misery," the mere mention of stephen king's titles evokes fear. do people ever say to you when they meet you, i thought i might be scared of you? all the time, right? >> sure, a lot of people think they're go to come scare of me. i'm civilized. >> reporter: the best-selling author built his career on frightening people on the written word. he sees things the way others don't. years before others thought about e-books, king public lehred a novela online, it shocked the industry and got him a lot of attention. >> i got on the cover of "time" magazine, for once in my life, i got noticed in