author steven levy spent two years inside google, conducting hundreds of interviews for his latest book "in the plex: how google thinks, works and shapes our lives." levy has also written about apple twice, once about the mac, once about the ipod. seven books overall. his first book is perhaps his most famous. while steven levy did not invent the word "hacker" he, more than any other person, is responsible for the word's meaning. steven levy is senior writer at "wired" magazine, joined by john schwartz of "u.s.a. today," and joseph mend of the "financial times." who i should point out, both of you also wrote books about hacking in your case it was "zero day threat." and john, you were this last week involved in something involving google. we're going to get to that in a little bit. but in the meantime, let me start with you, steven levy and talk about google. as a company. wall street always wants to know this. they always ask this -- i'm going to ask it again. but i want it on a third-grader level. if google finds what i'm looking for through math and we had a guest recently, why do th