and finally, steven mccoy. chairman of the speaker's bureau. please help me in welcoming these brave men of the tuskegee airmen. \[applause] >> good morning, everyone. how are we this morning? excellent. excellent. first i'd like to thank the wonderful production the general gave us and give her a round of applause again. thank you. i'd also like to thank cadet cable for her wonderful introduction of us. the tuskegee airmen seated here and i will like to welcome you to this panel discussion about the history and legacy of the tuskegee airmen. we wish to thank the american veteran center for allowing us to speak this morning in this wonderful venue. we wish to express our special thanks to our contact within the american veterans center, wes smith. please feel free to chat with our donors at the completion of our panel this morning. i'd like to start off with a brief introduction. seated before you you have ivan ware, bill fauntroy and major anderson. this morning, they are here to represent the 16 to 19,000 men and women who are part of the tus