trust and i know that the washington post profiled a woman whose whose name i can't remember but steven pearlstein wrote a very lengthy profile in the washington post about a legal expert who is now raise some very provocative questions about how add truslow deeds to come into the twenty first century to ask serious questions about how these powers are used they can be used for good but they can also be used for ill you know this is this is a and finally just to wrap this topic up a grand jury was impaneled today in the trump russia investigations and you know it's got to have trumped freaked out but it seems to me that much of what you know what's there to the extent that we know what's there with regard to trump is probably tied up in his taxes his finances you know whether it's with russian oligarchs or whether it's with american billionaires or whether it's you know running scams and some in the philippines you know he's got a trump otel to charity every but i you know i was also curious about what role russia played in our election that's all i want to know that's you know what definitely wha