steven peck is an estate planning attorney. who would worry about this? i thought estate planning was just for the super rich. - almost everyone needs to be worried about estate planning, even if you are not over the tax limit - very few people actually are over the tax limit nowadays with the new exemption of $5.25 million. but, other people could be subject to it in the future. - there are aspects of estate planning that do affect a lot of people. for example, gift taxes. - right. the gift tax exemption was raised to the same level as the estate tax: the same $5.25 million. it was supposed to go down to a million, so this is a good opportunity for people to take advantage of this, because with the new budget proposal, there is a good chance they could lower it back to the old $1 million, and this way they could be grandfathered. if that is taken away, their estates won't be subject to this tax, and the growth will be out of the people's estates too. - i know a number of years ago, grandparents who wanted to give just a straight gift to children, for exa