i know, you want to get paid in bitcoin i've got to hear from tyler winklevoss this is no longer a nothing burger let me start with steven weisz there it is. mr. wonderful. a nothing burger two weeks ago. what the hell happened we can't talk about that steven, it threw everyone for a loop 5 and 7 year and what happened, backed off now and think we're okay for at least a while. >> first, put your seat belt on because we move pretty fast in this show. i know you're a little used to getting up earlier and going to bed or being golf course now so and the 5 and 7 year auction, guess what happened there. t nobody showed up that's their agreement with the fed, the government. so they did that you saw that scare go through the market and that's when the 10 year approached 1.60. going above it slightly. like abad ipo. got to buy the stock that doesn't go to customers. that's what happened this time and then guess what, they eased out into the market. everything is okay so we're okay now. but going forward, you're going to have another auction coming up in a week same thing we'll see what happens this time, it will be the 20 year