. >> my name is steven valentine. i have concerns about the recology project dumpsite.y family is in the downstream watershed area of the proposed dump site. we have a process, as many family farms to in that area. we are subject to any surface water contamination in any ground water contamination coming from upstream, which is where the dump site is. we are responsible to monitor our water quality, both ground and surface, at our own expense to mitigate any toxic contamination is. at our own expense. there is not currently any condition or assurance that the contract with yuba county to require them to mitigate any downstream contamination might impact our facility. we have some evidence of surface water contamination from the site. we cannot tolerate even 0% e. coli contamination. we are inspected annually by the fda. the potential contamination of those areas that are immediately downstream at a very high water table level could result in loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in agricultural production, which is one of the few bright spots in california. this is a