still with us, steven wieting, citi's chief investment strategist and chief economist.ave reduced some of your positions. you are still overweight in the united states. you still like japan. you still like the u.k. what about btp's? what about the bund market? steven: if a particular country like italy can tighten relative to the core, that is possible, but these are already substantially low yields for the case of italy. if you think about the kind of mania we almost had in the bond market in august, where you had some 30 year debt in germany and switzerland have a 10% monthly return, the notion was that we would be able to drive massive capital gains in these bond -200ts as we could get basis points, all the sorts of things. just don't comport with the notion that used to have zero yielding cash as legal tender in these economies. the ecb has lowered its rate to -50 basis points. i'm not sure if they would go any deeper than that. -75 basis points and switzerland. unless we change our financial structure and have a truly cashless society, it becomes harder to get yiel