for more now we turn on this topic talking to steven yates. steven is a former dem ti assistant to vice president cheney for national security affairs and a distinguished fellow at the hamilton foundation. thanks so much for joining me. >> happy to be with you. >> i want to pick um right where jennifer griffin left off. we're talking about, first of all, we know this is good news, that sergeant bergdahl is back in american hands, and there's nothing short of jubilation for that. but let me go where jennifer left off, and that is the five taliban members who were basically given up in exchange for sergeant bergdahl. we'll put up the pictures again. jennifer -- we're talking about top-level taliban people here. one is the department minister of intelligence, the head of their department of minister of intelligence, and someone accused of war crimes. talk about who these guys are and how treacherous they are and the fact that they're now -- they've been released. >> well, this is a tough call, and i think it was moving in this direction for some t