. === stevenn bobod, putback... tou u nces to grt eigh thuday gh theenr colium... wbeyingga heiv colodo sgsisan... s-c-advancnc withthinr itchristia da68-5..."." = ary'boamc,ose,ut their seasom ton d in a4-61 ortrte granvall. 's secononund oroa in 3-girls tourname. d semas at mamamyixnts, 39- they were the only team from our region to advance today... mary's was upseseby faith christian n n 8. / s-s lost to pasa sprgsgs inin low scoring game 35-23... trinidad f f fshort to lutra 47-4-4.. and sing at up la j 6.. inhea regioninals... rockford facing e.== 3rd quarter.....ye swingff the trantion fense... connor hales tosses it in to brandon johnson for rocky ford not r r r over... that's dalton davis with the swat!!! === but t e was aying defense e too. zac richardrdwithth block of hiswn... ryabaf t tpuy for 46-2win. he rular s ssona arritoday... the airorce falcons were in the andis... a second to last place finish in the conference means low see the coerence tament week... but f/r r r rara state... a win or a loss can be the difference ben the sixth or ninthth ed in