now this is a picture of george stigler. george stigler who worked with milton friedman for many years. taught at the university of chicago. milton friedman in the middle and john kenneth galbraith, very much a keynesian economist. and george stigler who had a very wry sense of humor said all economists are tall. there are two exceptions. john ken eths galbraith and milton friedman. i mean, that is just a classic line. i showed this to ben bernanke once, and he just does not have a sense of humor. the man looked at it and said, that's not logical. that was his answer. that's not logical. so anyway, a lot of -- i had a lot of fun times with milton friedman over the years, but our debates got heated from time to time. friedman was a tough debater. in fact, it has been said that milton friedman never lost a debate in his entire career. now rose, his wife, would dispute that. but nevertheless, i saw friedman in action. i certainly never won a debate with milton friedman. i was in the london underground with the keynesian economi