. -- on stillstow lake. there are some issues that are unresolved and this particular contract. i do not disagree with the idea that there needs to be a significant having of the area. the objective that is before us is to make sure that if we will privatize this particular area or try to upgrade and that, i want to make sure that the city gets the best deal that possibly can. based on the analysis of the budget analyst, it leads me to want to know a couple of more variables that i think were not well covered. for example, for i am still concerned that in the minimal guarantee, it was an afterthought. it raises questions about what was our cities' ability to be able to procter -- procure it the top dollar contractor. i am unclear as to why it was not the case and that speaks to a question of process. we are not meeting and any of the utilities and we have no idea how much electricity and water we are using. the city is paying for all of the utilities. i would ask potentially of the recreation and parks department for a consideration that we ask that when the capital work is bein