maybe because when he walks on the streets of miami on a sunny day there is stillwater coming up on the streets. but there will be a few, perhaps, individuals on the republican side who will say that we got to do something about this. senator mccain did in 2008. but for the most part, they're trying to deny the science,you know, ignore the science. hide the science. but i think that's going to be a losing issue with the american public. >> another issue is the keystone pipeline. you have opposed it. but you recused yourself when you went into the white house. congress is going to pass it and send it to the president next week, bipartisan support for it. the president has said that he thinks the effects are exaggerated on both sides. he doesn't believe it will create the jobs that supporters say, nor will it do the environmental damage the critics worry about. that being the case, in this new climate with the election, wouldn't it be better just to say fine, i'll toss the republicans this one? >> well, i by the-- think the president spec to that while he was in asia. he said we ought to