"a," it will keep them at their game and intellectually stimula stimulated.they think they always have it in the bag, they're always number one, they're not going to compete. you actually have to have somebody come in who thinks they can beat it and then you start to change it. >> your situation is a sales person. so presumably the fear is this person leaves and my revenue goes down 50% or whatever they're responsible for. it's scary. but you can start to fill that it in, right? >> you must fill that in or think how vulnerable you are. if you're dependent on one person as your lone contributor and they're devastating to the culture, he is peespecially in businesses, we talk about culture in big companies, but in a small business you have one person who doesn't fit, it's just completely -- >> it is, it's toxic. which is why you always want to say get rid of them. >> it is hard. >> i love your decisiveness about that because i'm going to the place of how are we defining toxicity. how old, experienced is the person. maybe we go through a wave of thinking we know