stirlets looked out the window, there was a blow from the window, stirlets closed the window and thend stirlets shot at miller, the bullet bounced off him, armored, thought stirlets, stirlets gave the cat gasoline, cat walked a few steps, fell, probably the gas ran out, thought the stirlitz, well, i can’t now, as if now this flow will not be stopped, someone knocked on the tree, the stirlitz thought, the woodpecker thought the stirlitz. you yourself are a woodpecker, muller thought, muller was offended, yes, muller was offended, exactly, such stupid anecdotes that at the same time really tell us something about the series and about those people who watched it, yes, about the audience even more so than about the series, because the series remains, these jokes are gone, or rather remained in their time, but at the same time , it’s still interesting for us to watch actors who are no longer with us, unfortunately, none of those who are directly alive are anymore. the creation of this series, but we are still interested in watching on screens. it's time to move on to chapter five. chapter