you aware of the responses and seeking approval to award the contract timeline that was sent would stith negotiate and receive approval of all city departments that execute a city contract that serves the members in addition assuming a 2 to 5 reduction rates for 2016 without an executed contract is a risk to the health services system based on those risks h f may reissue the benefits request for proposals in late summer with the rfp being similar or the same we have taken the proposals and we have improperly schuler disbursed them in the event that the public would have asked for a copy of the proposals they would not have been provided because proposals are disclosed after a contracted award and we didn't have a contract award we were there was a request to release the proposals and we stated that it with compromise the integrity of the process in the next rfp and it may also place the proposals in a excessive disengage that is an even not in the best interests the city. >> if i may you say we it was under the advice of council. >> yes. >> i wanted to get that intond. >> we didn't take