equally important but a advantage with the hand signals for the pedestrian walking so what did the data stlils at those locations the data shows the intersection blocking there's no room once a vehicle a there and issuing citations to use hand signals are most effect about a 10 percent advantage as i mentioned for intersection if they're using hand signals i think about that it makes sense to the people on the ground helping people passing this is informational not a data point but information in costs that generates the activity this is this is a little blue signal but the cost of running the pilot with our interim staff and our parking control officers was a total of about $270,000 for about $4,500 a shift fairly expensive the income we got from the citations we issued was $9,000 it was $10,000 for each citation the state gets $9 of those funds and we keep the rest for mta operating budget it is not able we didn't issue citation everyday we didn't issue as many sizing as the cost of the pilot would have been so in summary what we saw was that enforcement works the data shows intersection and