you can find free stock images on-sites like stocksnap to engage your audience members and help with your blog structure. >> i've sure you'll all seen those stories that come up at the bottom of your screen after you've read an article. stories like six ways to have better skin or you won't believe what this college kid did to get free tuition. that is content marketing. they're articles put there by brands to get you to read, either subtly or not, about what they have to sell. so good to see you, adam. >> great to be here. >> i'm so happy you're here to talk about this. i see these articles. i click on many of them. and i don't exactly, even though i know it, obviously, i'm not reading them because i want to be sold to. just say i have a flower business. how do i think about this kind of content marketing? >> we're moving through this time of day. when you watch a movie on youtube, did you ever see the buttons before? >> always. sorry, advertisers. >> people don't like known advertising any more. we're moving from a traditional and known advertising to sort of story selling way of m