during the same time last year we open 5 stoddert 62 cases and closed five under 41. -- 562 cases and closed 541. this is an 8% decrease in cases opened as compared to the same time last year. as of july 20, we had for under 15 pending cases -- 415 pending cases. today, we have sustained a 39 cases. during the same time in two dozen 9, with sustained 27 cases. this represents 44% increase in sustained cases. the sustained rate is 8%, which is more in line with the historic average of sustained cases since around 1996. today, the occ has facilitated the mediation of 20 complaints this year, compared with 45 by the end of july last year. so far this month we have had three mediations. that concludes my report. president marshall: anything further for the director? vice president mazzucco: thank you. >> you are welcome. president marshall: alright, commissioner reports. i don't think we have anything to report, commissioners, do you? vice president mazzucco: briefly, i spent parts of this week presiding over two older cases on the docket another commissioner had that i took over. one is