someone from jackson that stokes robertson new. these people reappear in various forms throughout the story. i hope i have given you something of the flavor of the book and what it tries to do. i want to close with my favorite passage in the book. may be even inspiring. it was not written by me. this is by langston hughes and the chicago defender, october of 1962. toast to ole miss. here's to ole miss who fluttered and flared and cussed and squared and tried to keep colored folks out by hook or by crook and loopholes they took in the law and ignatius and proclamation to the job showing off their bravery like in slavery when white folks were the law and it could not be colored man down to the ground and he dare not fight back because he was black. but in this day and time things is not that way. a testament to ole miss on immigration day. thank you. [applause] if you have questions i will be glad to at least listen to them and maybe try to answer them. anyone? yes? >> what is the response to your book? has he read it? >> i interview