listened carefully to the arguments in favor of each option: skidel, birch, starobin, gomel, polotsk, stolbtsyk and even borisov. each city had its own advantages. everyone was outlined by the grodno region. why don’t you want to consider this particular region, grodno? there is a developed railway line, a gas pipeline runs nearby, and the berezovskaya ridge is being built. they will be quite capable of providing such a large enterprise with energy. what is not the capital of the chemical industry? industry of the republic. by the will of fate , the decision was made in favor of grodno, why? because here, firstly, the river basin is closer, secondly, it is close to the border of both lithuania and poland, and this was an enterprise that planned to supply the belarusian region with fertilizers, so the decision was made to build it in the city of grodno. what was it supposed to be like? production in a simple comparison: before the war , eight ammonia production plants already operated on the territory of the ussr, but even all together they were. specialists from all over the soviet union began