the far east, it was the edge of opportunity, it was always clear, and some impulses were needed, stolypinsuch an impulse ... 2013, without exaggeration , without any exaggeration, here are the entrepreneurs present here, colleagues, many friends, by the way, my friends, they are living success stories, which became possible largely thanks, sometimes, by the way, even exclusively thanks to the far eastern preferential regimes and the position of power and... here is why, what am i talking about, because there is such a thing, i don’t want to scold anyone there, our liberals, they do their job with high quality, but the general thing is this super-liberal approach, everyone should be placed in equal conditions, yeah, the far east is the same as the european part, but then depopulation would continue here and nothing would happen, the conditions are different, well, my colleagues talked more and more about logistics. you had to think about it, well, stalypin did his job in those conditions, it was enough resettle the peasants, give them land and be done with it, that’s all, now. life is diff