ston brock is th founder of a free mobile health care clinic knowns remote area mical. initially designed to provide free care third world countries,tan brock now concentratesn those in need here in the u. at a recent stop hearingn los angeles, tusands lined up r urs just for the chance to see a doctor. also tonight, fmer "gilmore gis" star alexi bledel is here. she starin a new comedy about life after college calledpost grad." the movie opened in taters around the count elier today. we're gl you've joineds. remote area medicaounder stan brock and actress alexis bledel cupping up right now. >> there areo many things that walart is looking foard to doing. like helpi people live better. but mostly, we're looking foard to helping build stipbeheouofthlpr be, e onca becausof your help, the best is yet to come. >> nionwide insurance prouy supports "tavis smiley tavis andationwide insuran, woing to improve financial literacy and the ecomic powerment that comes with it. >> nationwide is on your side. >> and by contribions to your pbs station from viewe like you. thank you. tavi