you to go it's an didn't didn't introduce him as a as an englishman you said he said he and the stoney m o y obecause it was sort of so as not to frighten her so that her you know her but if you do speak russian my father it's because of you and so he's broken russian we could which could sound like it's not like that but he said to his credit better than broken i think it's he said he writes russian much better than me with an accent anyway so this is why your mother could have taken him from someone from the bottom before so and they and they met and and they fell in love and if i had even though it seems to us that they believe that they could get married and they and the they had they registered to get married but about point. the k.g.b. intervened. they had been trying to. recruit my father for some for some years i'm not quite sure what they wanted why they thought he would be important or interesting but when he finally had got a savior. fiance b. they had something on him and they gave him they offered him a deal an offer which they thought he couldn't refuse which was either either yo