the right people whether it's politicians or youtube has general would you sayly allowed us with storifold to set up a human rights channel on youtube, and that is obviously accessible to billions. so u, suddenly, there are means of getting this stuff out there. but to me, it's all part of this revolution that we -- when you are a kid, you know, you think your parents can sort out everything. i think, you know, we for a long time thought national governments can sort out things, you know, that they are the grown ups. they can do the economy and diplomacy and all of that stuff. but actually, what we are seeing is things are coming up, whether it's isis or ebola or climate change that really can't be tackled by national governments that have to be tackled on a global front. so, you need to empower individuals and you can't rely on being the only vehicle for change. and this is, i think, at the very heart of what we were trying to do with witness, to get technology to people, to empower them to become more effective. >> there are remarkable examples around the world of people making the decis