stover now, do you?hat case. >> and in that sense, the defendant helped you out, correct? >> no. >> reporter: prosecutor kaholokula also asked opdycke about her refusal to answer certain questions in the case. >> now, it's correct, isn't it, that throughout the investigation of this case you've been concerned about your own potential legal liability in this case? >> yes. >> and you refused to speak with my office, correct? >> under a legal counsel, yes. >> reporter: this testimony now, in court, suggested the prosecutor, sounded like a woman with an obvious and selfish motive to support michiel oakes' claim of self-defense. >> isn't it true that if this is a case of self-defense, it gets you off the hook, too? >> what do you mean by that? >> you indicated you were concerned about your own potential liability in this case. if a jury were to find that this was self-defense, you wouldn't have any more liability either, would you? >> i have no liability in this case. >> nothing further. >> reporter: and the