there was little that he revealed about stradfore, and in the details, much of it was unremarkable. in the pentagon analysis, what he put out was so wrong and useless, so the roles that these people play is overstated, and the necessity to break into their servers and steal things for a political act. but aaron schwartz, he was more of a victim of prosecutorial overreach more than thing else, and even against the wishes of the company that he stole from, j store, and that speaks to a different issue in all of this, and as to what hammond did, it was more clear cut. >> in fact, 17 journalists who have written in support of hammond and explained how useful the material that he exposed was. >> but margaret, use. ful or not, what's the difference between breaking into a company and stealing the files versus doing that electronically, aren't you committing the same crime? >> you may be doing the same crime, but you're punished more severely to do it electronically. which is interesting. i mean, you can steal a fortune with fraud, with medicaid fraud or with any other commercial fraud. an