you worked in the president bush 41 add straeufgs, you were gone and came back. -- administration, youain and came back. >> what is better than having been secretary of state? that's the best job in government. i've already done that. i think i will stay in california. help out in california. i'm trying to help out in public policy and the public life in california. i'm very involved in k-12 education. involved in political matters out there. it is a great place to live. >> greta: it is a great book, it is fun. we see so much of public figures but we never get to know them. i don't wish anyone misfortune like sick parents or something. when we see public figures have their own personal struggles, it puts a new dynamic on it. the whole issue of even the segregation, the things that had you to face head-on early on in your life. tough. >> it is a time that seems a long time ago but it really wasn't that long ago. what it says to me is this country has come a long way. when i was out at secretary of state and advocating for democracy for the iraqi people or the afghan people, and people w